Hi Erick,

There is a fourth option that should work

cui | tui | text | preferredText

I would create an importer that creates a -fake- cui.  The cui need not (in 
this case should not) start with 'C'.  So, I would import per-owl uri using 
something like OWL00001.  
tui can be empty, in which case "T000" will be used, =forcing ctakes to create 
annotations of unknown semantic type.  

text(s) should contain your synonym(s).

preferredText can be your owl uri.

This should allow you to fake it with an imported owl.  Upon deconstruction of 
the cas you will want to look at the preferredTerm for each annotation and 
ignore the cui and tui.


From: Erick Velazquez <erick.lero...@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, January 22, 2018 11:14 AM
To: dev@ctakes.apache.org
Subject: Building a dictionary from ontologies  [EXTERNAL]


I’m building a dictionary from an ontology (OWL), but there is no CUI, neither 
TUI in the information. Since the format of a dictionary in cTAKES is CUI | TUI 
| TEXT, or CUI | TEXT, is there any specification to create CUIs for terms?


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