Hello Sean,

First of all, thanks for your quick answer.

I'm probably making some confusion over here, so I have the following

   1. A CAS Consumer is defined by a XML file. What you are implying is
   that I should go to my consumer XML (__XmiWriterCasConsumer.xml) and change
   it's <implementationName> tag to
   'org.apache.ctakes.core.cc.FileTreeXmiWriter' instead of
   'org.apache.ctakes.core.cc.XmiWriterCasConsumer'? Funny enough, it gives me
   a classNotFoundException if I do this. Would like to have your confirmation
   if I'm doing the right thing please. The class is well defined in that path
   2. Concerning the reader, I make the same analogy. Should I go to my
   descriptor and change it's <implementationName> tag from
   'org.apache.ctakes.core.cr.FilesInDirectoryCollectionReader' to

I did these two things and the error is the same concerning the new
consumer 'FileTreeXmiWriter', as you can see in the first image attached to
this e-mail.

I would also like to ask you another question:

       3. Why does my class 'FileTreeXmiWriter' has a lot of unresolved
classes? You can see it in the second image attached to this e-mail. I
can't seem to import them right. I tried to import the extension of this
class only to check the result, and look how it solved the import to me.
'apache' is not recognized. I'm just kinda baffled with the hierarchy
defined for this project. If you could give me a little bit of
clarification in this topic and how to solve it I would be appreciated.

Thanks for your attention! I'm really looking forward to put this to work.
cTAKES seems awesome. It just needs these little tweaks.

Best regards,


2018-01-24 22:26 GMT+00:00 Finan, Sean <sean.fi...@childrens.harvard.edu>:

> Hi Manuel,
> Your image got scrubbed by a server, but the problem may have been fixed
> in a recent xmi writer.  The latest xmi writer is in ctakes core and is
> named FileTreeXmiWriter.  One possible cause for a problem in the writer is
> if the document has some unexpected character or character combination.  A
> document reader should be massaging documents before they are processed and
> sent to the writer.  The most recent file reader is named FileTreeReader
> and is also in ctakes core.
> Sean
> From: Manuel Lamy [mailto:mmvp...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2018 5:10 PM
> To: dev@ctakes.apache.org
> Subject: Problem using CPE and XMI Writer CAS Consumer [EXTERNAL]
> Hello guys,
> I'm having problems running the CPE using a XMI Writer CAS Consumer.
> However, it works with other consumers.
> Problem
> In the figure below, you can see my setup and the error I'm obtaining:
> [Imagem inline 2]
> Logs
> Concerning logs, I'm obtaining this from Intellij:
> org.apache.uima.resource.ResourceInitializationException
>             at org.apache.uima.collection.impl.CollectionProcessingEngine_
> impl.initialize(CollectionProcessingEngine_impl.java:81)
>             at org.apache.uima.impl.UIMAFramework_impl._
> produceCollectionProcessingEngine(UIMAFramework_impl.java:438)
>             at org.apache.uima.UIMAFramework.
> produceCollectionProcessingEngine(UIMAFramework.java:918)
>             at org.apache.uima.tools.cpm.CpmPanel.startProcessing(
> CpmPanel.java:573)
>             at org.apache.uima.tools.cpm.CpmPanel.access$000(CpmPanel.
> java:105)
>             at org.apache.uima.tools.cpm.CpmPanel$1.run(CpmPanel.java:713)
> Caused by: org.apache.uima.resource.ResourceConfigurationException
>             at org.apache.uima.collection.impl.cpm.container.CPEFactory.
> produceIntegratedCasProcessor(CPEFactory.java:1093)
>             at org.apache.uima.collection.impl.cpm.container.CPEFactory.
> getCasProcessors(CPEFactory.java:547)
>             at org.apache.uima.collection.impl.cpm.BaseCPMImpl.init(
> BaseCPMImpl.java:253)
>             at org.apache.uima.collection.impl.cpm.BaseCPMImpl.<init>(
> BaseCPMImpl.java:127)
>             at org.apache.uima.collection.impl.CollectionProcessingEngine_
> impl.initialize(CollectionProcessingEngine_impl.java:73)
>             ... 5 more
> Caused by: java.lang.Exception: The component XMI Writer CAS Consumer
> cannot be created. (Thread Name: Thread-5)
>             ... 10 more
> Attempted Solutions
> I only found one guy with the same problem as me. The solution proposed in
> the thread, by Sean Finan, was to change the xml of my consumer
> (__XmiWriterCasConsumer.xml), particularly the content of the tag
> <implementationName>, from
>  <implementationName>org.apache.ctakes.core.cc.
> XmiWriterCasConsumerCtakes</implementationName>
> to
> <implementationName>org.apache.uima.tools.components.
> XmiWriterCasConsumer</implementationName>
> However, this didn't work. The error is exactly the same. I'm out of ideas
> about what to do. I would like to have the report of CPE in XMI, in order
> to read it with CVD. You can see the thread here:
> http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/ctakes-dev/201701.mbox/%
> 3c29cefd1fa1b44ce4a8dc92ec8b1cd...@chexmail1a.chboston.org%3E<
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-
> 3A__mail-2Darchives.apache.org_mod-5Fmbox_ctakes-2Ddev_201701.mbox_-
> 253C29cefd1fa1b44ce4a8dc92ec8b1cd882-40CHEXMAIL1A.CHBOSTON.
> ORG-253E&d=DwMFaQ&c=qS4goWBT7poplM69zy_3xhKwEW14JZMSdioCoppxeFU&r=
> fs67GvlGZstTpyIisCYNYmQCP6r0bcpKGd4f7d4gTao&m=
> N5zX2YGt7jbGKsiWAN7z5tdADmV2PwJdHTvvx2oZ2fM&s=5c-Yr8TMBg7-
> VyEjwF7gJlT1xP3LpHC6dvnZbihxDPg&e=>
> Result Expected
> Running the CPE process and have outputs as XMI files.
> Result Obtained
> Running the CPE results in an error, specifically for the consumer
> __XMIWriterCasConsumer.
> Conclusion
> Do any of you guys had this problem before? Do you have a suggestion about
> how can it be solved? Thanks a lot
> Best regards,
> Manuel

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