Hi Rudrani,

Apache Curator is an all volunteer, community-driven project. I can only speak 
for myself but I do not have the time to have pair currently. Maybe someone 
else does. For now I can point you to our project info page: 
<http://curator.apache.org/project-info.html> - you can look over any issues or 
PRs and see if there's an area of interest. If you have particular questions 
feel free to ask them here.


> On May 26, 2020, at 1:21 PM, Rudrani Angira <rudraniangir...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All
> I do not mean to spam anyone and I don't really know what would be the
> correct mailing list for this question
> I recently joined this mailing list as I am keen to contribute to the open
> source community starting with zookeeper project. Though the
> documentation is pretty thorough but I am struggling with  how to decide on
> the issues or tasks to work on.
> Is it possible to shadow someone or collaborate with someone to gain a
> better understanding of the whole workflow.
> Please share if this is possible.
> Thanks & best regards
> Rudrani

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