On Sunday 16 November 2008 3:29:13 pm Benson Margulies wrote:
> WSCOMMONS-362 notes that NodeList is inherently non-thread-safe.
> XmlSchema exposes a few APIs that accept and return NodeList's of
> markup content for AppInfo and Documentation. Would anyone object to
> changing those, incompatibly, to List (containing Nodes) for 1.4.3? I
> might object myself, in which case these changes would have to wait
> for a 1.5 or 2.0.

I commented on WSCOMMONS-362 already, but.....

I would definitely keep the API's as is for 1.4.3.   You SHOULD be able to 
wrapper a List<Element> type thing with something implementing NodeList 
pretty easily.     For 2.0, cleaning this stuff up to just use List<Element> 
or similar so they can work with the Java5 for loops and such would be 

Daniel Kulp

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