I think the person that would know the most about this is out for a bit.  :-(

Have you looked at the ws_rm sample that we ship?  


On Thursday 27 November 2008 10:18:13 am Naresh Tallapelli wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am trying to configure reliable messaging through configuration file and
> through the code. But it was not working. I tried with cxf-2.0.4 and
> cxf-2.1.2 versions. Following is the configuration i tried to enable
> reliable messaging.
> <cxf:bus>
>     <cxf:features>
>     <cxf:logging />
>     <wsa:addressing />
>     <wsrm-mgr:reliableMessaging>
>     <wsrm-policy:RMAssertion>
>     <wsrm-policy:BaseRetransmissionInterval
>             Milliseconds="4000" />
>     <wsrm-policy:AcknowledgementInterval
>             Milliseconds="2000" />
>     </wsrm-policy:RMAssertion>
>     <wsrm-mgr:sourcePolicy>
>     <wsrm-mgr:sequenceTerminationPolicy maxLength="5" />
>     </wsrm-mgr:sourcePolicy>
>     <wsrm-mgr:destinationPolicy acceptOffers="false" />
>     <wsrm-mgr:store>
>     <ref bean="myStore" />
>     </wsrm-mgr:store>
>     </wsrm-mgr:reliableMessaging>
>     </cxf:features>
> </cxf:bus>
> I have tried all the configuration options specified in the following link
> http://cwiki.apache.org/CXF20DOC/wsrmconfiguration.html
> Can anyone able to configure wsrm in cxf?
> Could any one please send me the steps on how to enable reliable messaging
> in cxf-2.1.2 ? So that i can configure wsrm for my webservice.
> Thank you,
> Naresh

Daniel Kulp

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