Hi Benson

I presume it's JDK 6 which needs to be used ? I'll try to look asap - I do need to close few issues raised recently against JAXRS plus do a bit of client api cleanup before 2.2 goes out. Can this test be disabled when run as part of the Psjsxp profile if it blocks you ? I'll try to look into this asap - but if it's indeed a bug/limitation in Axiom/Abdera then it won't be fixed before 2.2. anyway...

Cheers, Sergey

Hello Department of Jax-RS:

Dan and I have been working on supporting Sun's sjsxp, a stax
implementation built into newer JDK's. We've nearly got the whole
thing passing, save, significantly, for


This fails inside of abdera/axiom complaining that it's trying to read
from a closed stream.

This is probably going to wind around to a bug report for Abdera or
Axiom, but could I please pass the analysis over to the JAX-RS

To repro,

mvn -Psjsxp


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