
Until now it's not been possible to reuse existing CXF DataBinding 
implementations in CXF JAX-RS. For example, the JAX-RS impl provides its own 
versions of JAXB/Aegis/XMlBeans databindings by implementing JAX-RS 

Resolving this issue has been on the map for a while and we've also had a chat 
with Dan on IRC recently.

I've just committed the initial code which makes it possible for users just to 
reuse the existing CXF DataBindings which is quite promising given that CXF 
DataBindings are very well stressed and tested. Those users who use JAXWS & 
JAXRS will likely find it of use, as well as JAX-RS users who might spot some 
(temp) limitations in the CXF JAXRS message body providers.

Here's how I've implemented it at the moment. If users register a databinding 
bean then what happens is that it will simply be wrapped as a JAXRS 
MessageBodyReader/Writer and registered as a JAX-RS provider. Its 
MessageBodyWriter.writeTo and MessageBodyWriter.readFrom delegate to 
DataBinding DataWriter/DataReader respectively. 

I think this approach works quite well but there's something I reckon may need 
to be improved. Particularly, in order to make JAX-RS resource classes' 
return/input classes for all the resource methods known to DataBinding 
implementations the JAXRS model classes like ClassResourceInfo & 
OperationResourceInfo are being temporarily converted into a WSDL-centric 
Service/ServiceInfo/MessageInfp/etc model so that 
DataBinding.initialize(Service s) can be called.

This in itself might become useful later on if we were to decide on supporting 
say WSDL2 but for the purpose of reusing the DataBindings it does not 
necessarily represents the best approach. It can get tricky for JAX-RS 
resources be represented well as WSDL-centric ones to meet different 
expectations of different bindings, something I found during the initial work. 
JAXRS resource methods might have parameters representing say queries, 
alongside with request bodies, etc.

Perhaps the better option is for every DataBinding implementation is to have a 
method like 

setAllClasses(Set<Class<?>> classes)
setTypeInfo(Map<Class<?>, Type> info)

which would represent an alternative option for initializing a databinding. 
Every CXF DataBinding would have to be updated slightly to use those classes 
instead of Service to gety initialized.

JAXRS will create a required set/map and reflectively call such a method. This 
method might even make it into DataBinding interface if it's assumed that no 
users are directly interacting with DataBinding interfaces.

Thoughts ?

thanks, Sergey

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