OK.  "Part 1"  (I have more ideas) is in.   A "default" bus has gone from over 
55 beans created and initialized down to 12.   Startup time for the first Bus 
has dropped from 2.1 seconds on my machine to 0.9.   After the jit warms up 
and classes loaded and such, subsequent Bus creation has dropped from 105ms to 
about 60.     

Obviously, a default bus isn't much use now as nothing is loaded and doing 
pretty much anything is going to start triggering other parts to load in.  
Thus, a "full" startup isn't as dramatic, but it's definitely a good start.


On Tue August 25 2009 9:40:37 am Daniel Kulp wrote:
> Just a warning, if I can get all the tests passing, I have a big commit
> coming in today (although broken across a couple commits that will all come
> at once) that touches a LOT of stuff.
> Basically, I'm trying to reduce the startup time.  Specifically, the
> "BusFactory.createDefaultBus()" time.    I've done some investigation and
> discovered a few things that are taking a lot of time:
> 1) JSR250 processing - this is actually fairly expensive the first time.
> Retrieving annotations is expensive and the JSR250 has to look at every
> field and method.   The second time a class is used it's fast (cached), but
> that initial startup sucks.   I've added a NoJSR250Annotations annotation
> that can be added to beans loaded from Spring to mark the class as not
> having any JSR250 annotations anywhere on it so the JSR250 processor can
> skip it.   I've added this annotation to a bunch of places where it can be
> added.  (not all beans can have it, obviously)   This alone has about a 20%
> boost.
> 2) JAXB context creations - the JAXB based WSDL extensors are creating
> their JAXB context up front.   If those extensors are never used (example: 
> never use the CORBA binding) it's a pointless waste of time.   I'm changing
> them to create them only if needed for parsing/writing.   ,
> 3)  lazy-init="true"  - I'm going through all the cxf-extension-*.xml files
> and adding lazy-init="true" to almost everything.   I'm also updating other
> code to pull beans "if needed".   This has a huge affect of lower the
> number of beans created at startup.   Right now, a default bus creates 57
> beans up front, right away (and every one is run through the JSR250
> processor).    With some changes, I now have this down to 20 beans (and I
> think I can get it down closer to 15), with only 6 going through JSR250
> processing.
> The major affect of (3) is a lot of stuff doesn't get loaded unless it's
> needed.  If it's needed, you'll take a hit later to get it loaded, but if
> it's not needed, it's not loaded.    For example, if you don't use WSDL's
> at all (purely code first cases or JAX-RS cases), the WSDLManager is never
> loaded and thus none of the WSDL extensors are loaded.
> The "downside" of (3) is that a bunch of tests now fail that I'm trying to
> fix up.    There are many tests that test if the "count" of registered
> things is a particular number, but now the number is either 0 or much less.
>   I need to update the tests to actually ask for things first to make sure
> they get loaded.
> Anyway, it's a pretty big patch that touches a lot of files.  Thus, the
> heads up warning.

Daniel Kulp

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