Hi David

The endpoint.uri is a new property that's introduced in the OSGi Remote
Service Admin spec. This is now the standard way to configure the endpoint
URI. The old properties are still supported for backward compatibility.

This endpoint.uri property will work JAXRS services as well ?

If we let users have the same OSGI service exposed as SOAP and RESTful
services, how will it work with this property being used ? Perhaps in this
latter case org.apache.cxf.ws.address and org.apache.cxf.rs.address

thanks, Sergey

The we haven't refactored the JAX-RS handlers yet, see:

But when we get to JAX-RS, it should also support the endpoint.uri property.
If you have a single service that you want to expose through both
using SOAP and REST we could make that possible by letting the user
set org.apache.cxf.rs.address and org.apache.cxf.ws.address, since
there's no overlap with these properties. Would that work for you?

S.B : yes, it would, I think we're in agreement :-)

cheers, Sergey



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