Hi all

I've provided a patch for https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CXF-3923 which 
supports to issue a SAML token based on the onbehalfof element.

Some time back, I've  implemented a custom TokenProvider (also OnBehalfOf case) 
where I had to validate the token in my TokenProvider implementation.

Due to separation of concern, wouldn't it make sense that the validation of 
OnBehalfOf (and ActAs) is triggered in TokenIssueOperation?

Maybe we could use something similar to the ReceivedToken also for OnBehalfOf 
thus the TokenProvider doesn't have to parse the token again?

What do you think about this proposal:
ReceivedToken is renamed to something like ProcessedToken which contains 
informations like:
- was it a token of ws-security header (like ReceivedToken), onbehalfof, actas
- successfully validated (it could be a token which depends on other 
constraints to be fully accepted)
- original DOM element
- transformed DOM element (used if the token is passed by ref, also supported 
by SAML spec)
- principal (mostly, you only need the principal to issue a new token)

What do you think?


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