This is a vote to release Apache CXF DOSGi 2.0.0.

The main change in this version is to split the SOAP support from the REST support. So it is now possible to only install SOAP support or only REST support. The multi bundle distro still contains both variants but the karaf features are now separate.

As a new distro style we now offer a repository pom with the bundle dependencies which is suitable to create a bndtools index from it. So it is very easy to use CXF-DOSGi in bndtools. There is also such a repository pom for the samples that contains everything needed to run the samples from bndtools. The first example that uses this is the soap example. It contains a soap.bndrun file that can be directly started and debugged from eclipse. This pom based repo might be a replacement for the current multi bundle distro as it is much smaller and more flexible.

The bndtools based assembly uses the resolver to create a minimal set of bundles for the sample. For SOAP and REST together I was able to make this as small as 9 MB. For pure SOAP it is just 7.7 MB.

Another big change is that the examples are now based on a slightly changed TaskList service which is easier to understand that the previous Greeter example. The examples now have karaf features to make it easy to test them in karaf.

Apart from these major changes I looked through the open issues and marked a lot of them as fixed as they should be solved in the new code. Please give feedback if anything is not yet solved.

I have not yet changed the wiki documentation to reflect the new code. As it would be difficult to have the old and new documentation side by side in the wiki I did most of the documentation in the code using github markdown syntax. This allows to have the documentation closer to the code and also will allow to look into the documentation of previous releases. I plan to point to the gihub docs from the wiki and keep the old wiki contents as documentation of the 1.x releases.

You can find the new documentation here:

If you want to try the new code I recommend to follow the installation instructions of the examples:

Btw. as usual .. until the release is pushed to maven central you will have to add the maven repo listed below to your karaf instance.

Release Notes - CXF Distributed OSGi - Version 2.0.0

** Bug
* [DOSGI-19] - Discovery Software doesn't notice changed Service Properties. * [DOSGI-22] - It would benefit the RFC 119 TCK if multiple instances of DOSGi could be run in a single OSGi container. * [DOSGI-52] - -Dorg.apache.cxf.spring.validation.mode=VALIDATION_NONE doesn't have an effect * [DOSGI-73] - OSGi Declarative Service-based consumer does not register proxy service on demand * [DOSGI-108] - service.exported.interfaces doesn't support comma-seperated String value * [DOSGI-124] - ReceiveTimeout not configurable while using cxf-rest service in OSGI * [DOSGI-159] - Endpoint description contains wrong when using HTTPService style
    * [DOSGI-171] - service objects are never released (using ungetService)
* [DOSGI-185] - Restarting of Jetty/PaxWeb makes exported services unavailable
    * [DOSGI-186] - documentation incorrect
* [DOSGI-187] - service configuration for service-namespace, service-name and service-port only take affect if wsdl-location is also configured
    * [DOSGI-196] - Greeter demo does not work in standalone Felix
    * [DOSGI-199] - NoSuchMethodError in tests (Jetty version mismatch)
* [DOSGI-209] - when bundles registers two WS with different SoapBinding Style Document/RPC then one of the STYLE is not as expected * [DOSGI-213] - ASM library not in Multibundle 1.6.0, so no naming of webservice parameters possible
    * [DOSGI-219] - DOSGi Fails to Publish Service Under Apache Karaf 3.0.3
* [DOSGI-225] - Service publication with property does not work * [DOSGI-226] - Cannot configure org.apache.cxf.dosgi.dsw.Activator via Felix fileinstall
    * [DOSGI-227] - Build fails with JDK 8
* [DOSGI-236] - IllegalArgumentException: No SchemaFactory exception during build
    * [DOSGI-240] - Fix checkstyle in eclipse
    * [DOSGI-242] - Refactor provider to prepare for split

** Improvement
    * [DOSGI-101] - Update the guide on using DOSGI RI withing Eclipse
    * [DOSGI-144] - can not deploy CXF 1.3.1 on Virgo Tomcat 3.5.RELEASE
    * [DOSGI-152] - Update systests2 to use pax-exam 2.5
    * [DOSGI-237] - Upgrade Distributed OSGI to OSGI 5.0
    * [DOSGI-239] - Extract decorator xml support into separate bundle
    * [DOSGI-241] - Simplify examples
    * [DOSGI-243] - Update to OSGi spec 5.0.0
    * [DOSGI-245] - Split cxf provider into rs and ws provider
    * [DOSGI-246] - Upgrade to Aries RSA 1.9.0
    * [DOSGI-247] - Support for Conduit configs and SSL example
    * [DOSGI-248] - Update to CXF 3.1.7
    * [DOSGI-249] - Redesign examples
* [DOSGI-250] - Support capabilities and requirements specified in RSA 1.1

** New Feature
    * [DOSGI-211] - Support SOAP over JMS in DOSGI

** Task
* [DOSGI-194] - Decide how DOSGi needs to handle service.exported.interfaces with multiple values


Maven Artifacts:

+1 from me.


Christian Schneider

Open Source Architect

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