Hi all,

I think I may have found a potential bug in the Swagger2Feature.java file 
caused by the removal and subsequent changes made with regards to removing the 
if ( !isScan() ) check at the beginning of the addSwaggerResource 

Previously, the appInfo object was only populated when isScan() returned false. 
When true, appInfo is null. Now, since that check has been removed and the 
logic extrapolated outwards, appInfo is never null (it’s instantiated as an 
object on line 147).

This causes the subsequent code (line 196):

BeanConfig beanConfig = appInfo == null
    ? new BeanConfig()
    : new ApplicationBeanConfig(appInfo.getProvider());

…to always instantiate an ApplicationBeanConfig object. Our production code 
relied on the BeanConfig’s implementation of its classes() method to grab our 
ReaderListener classes annotated with @SwaggerDefinition. Because a BeanConfig 
will never be instantiated this way anymore, we would no longer be able to use 
our current implementations of the ReaderListener interface.

Is this a known bug, or is there a workaround that I’m missing?

Best regards,
Taylor Burke

NCR Corporation

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