Hello Team,

I would like to contact you about a problemI have during 2 week on
WS-SECURITY  using CXF* 3.1.3* (jax-ws).
Indeed, my configuration file spring is as follows:

*<jaxws:endpoint id="my_WS" implementor="#my_WS"  address="/services"
wsdlLocation="wsdl/xxxx.wsdl"> *
* <jaxws:outInterceptors>*
* <bean class="org.apache.cxf.ws.security.wss4j.WSS4JOutInterceptor">*
* <constructor-arg>*
* <map>*
* <entry key="action" value="Signature" />*
* <entry key="signaturePropFile" value="security.out.properties"/>*
* <entry key="user" value="${user}"/>*
* <entry key="passwordCallbackRef">*
* <ref bean="serverPasswordCallback"/>*
* </entry>*
* <entry key="signatureKeyIdentifier" value="X509KeyIdentifier"/>*
* <entry key="signatureDigestAlgorithm"
* <entry key="signatureAlgorithm"
* <entry key="signatureParts" value="{Content}{}Body "/>*
*    </map>*
* </constructor-arg> *
* </bean>*
* </jaxws:outInterceptors>*
* <jaxws:properties>*
* <entry key="schema-validation-enabled" value="false" />*
* <entry key="security.sts.token.usecert" value="true" />*
* </jaxws:properties>*

By specifying key "*signatureKeyIdentifier*" as  "*X509KeyIdentifier*"
value, I got a result at the section "keyInfo" as follows:

*<ds: KeyInfo>*
*    <wsse: SecurityTokenReference>*
*        <wsse: KeyIdentifier EncodingType = "... # Base64Binary"*
*            ValueType = "# ... X509v3"> MIIB ...*
*        </ wsse: KeyIdentifier>*
*    </ wsse: SecurityTokenReference>*
*</ ds: KeyInfo>*

By cons, this is not the result I want, I want a result like this:

*<ds: KeyInfo Id = "KI-ED321E02A6CAE33F8615378788884713">*
*     <ds: X509Data>*
*            <X509Certificate> MIICXTCCA .. </ X509Certificate>*
*     </ds: X509Data>*
*</ds: KeyInfo>*

It's been 2 weeks that I try to find a solution to this, but always in vain.
Thank you for your help.


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