
We're using CXF in our project and we have come across an issue moving from
3.2.9 to 3.3.2 (and also affects 3.3.1).

We are replacing old legacy systems with new systems using CXF. This means
unfortunately that we can not change any of the wsdl files.

Some of the wsdl files we have to use have namespaces declared like

<wsdl:definitions name="ExampleService_v1_0"
targetNamespace="http:/example.com.au/otherstuff"  ... other name
spaces defined>

Note only one / after the http: in the targetNamespace

With 3.2.x when we generated java classes from a wsdl like this it would be
put in the package


Now with 3.3.x the classes are generated in the package


note the e is removed from example

Is this intended behaviour or is this a bug? If it is intended behaviour is
there a way to make it behave in the old way? If it is a bug is it one you
are likely to fix?

The code generated in the xample package works fine. But this is a problem
for us as it means if we upgrade the version of CXF in one of our existing
repositories all the imports in our code will break. Correcting the wsdl
files to have http:// rather than http:/ would be the ideal I agree but
unfortunately we can't do that when we are changing legacy implementations.

Thanks very much. We appreciate all the work you do.


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