Yes a tunable makes sense when there is this sort of compatibility concern.

There's this other compatibility concern also which is a bit different -

Another change on my dev branch has actually increased checking of the maximum 
occurs count - which by default right now is 1024.

It seems in the past there were code paths that didn't check this, though 
others did check it. On my branch this is always checked.

Several tests  were failing because the tests have more than 1024 sized arrays 
in them that didn't get checked in the past, so I had to add tunable increases 
of this threshold to their TDML files. Some of these were in DFDLSchemas or 
fouo schemas on

This is easy to do, and once done is portable, but was not expected.

If people use Daffodil from CLI, or as an embedded library, with a default of 
1024 we're basically requiring everyone to tune this max array size tunable.

I think 1024 is, generally, way too small as a default, and we should increase 
it to 128K, and let people tune it DOWN to tighten up when their format doesn't 
use large arrays. But so many formats are a header, and a big array of body 
records, and perhaps a trailer, and those body arrays are BIG, that this 
default of 1024 just seems silly to me.


From: Steve Lawrence <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 8, 2018 11:49:46 AM
To:; Mike Beckerle
Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] split separator work into two phases - to isolate 
non-backward-compatible behavior change

I'm in favor of this.

Would it be possible to add a tunable to flip the behavior between
current/broken and new/fixed? That would make for a very clean path
towards deprecation. We can just warn users for a couple releases that
the tunable will be flipped at some point and give time for users to
test schemas with the new tunable. And then when we do decide to
deprecate the old behavior it's just a matter of flipping the default
value of the tunable. And people that really don't want the new behavior
can set it to the old value.

- Steve

On 08/08/2018 11:24 AM, Mike Beckerle wrote:
> Due to this issue:
> This is a non-backward-compatible change. The impact of it could be 
> significant on existing schemas. Depending on scale of the impact we may have 
> to put in flags to turn on/off the changed behavior.  Love to avoid that, but 
> the fixes to schemas that are broken by the DAFFODIL-1975 change are subtle - 
> one must break up separated sequences into a nest of a few sequences, some 
> separated, some not, to preserve current behavior of the schema.
> I am inclined to NOT fix this as part of the separator and separator 
> suppression work currently in review as PR 
> <>
> Rather, my plan is to first commit functionality that is compatible with 
> current Daffodil behavior, then have separate PRs for individual JIRA tickets 
> that change behavior in non-backward-compatible ways like DAFFODIL-1975 does. 
>  This also helps isolate the tests that verify the change of behavior, which 
> also serve as a start at tutorial material for explaining the required 
> changes in existing DFDL schemas that use separated sequences.
> There are a number of clarifications in discussion on the DFDL Workgroup 
> mailing list about behavior of sequences both separated and not, for parsing 
> and unparsing. In some cases these, like DAFFODIL-1975, may be backwards 
> incompatible. Several of those could be combined into one commit/PR, but in 
> general they should be isolated from other changes if non-backward compatible.
> Any discussion?

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