Hi Marios,

When you mentioned network support is still on DC's roadmap I assume
fixing cimi network support was what you had in mind.

As I understand it, we had cimi network (and related collections)
support, implemented at least for mock.
You then added Deltacloud network support, using the same method name
(networks), breaking cimi network because the driver now has two methods
with the same name.

I looked at fixing it. As it turned out a bit more complicated that I
thought (ran into a weird backtrace again), I thought I'd first check
with you how you thought it should be implemented.
And is this something you've already started working on and I'd better
wait for you to complete that?

I thought we could map cimi networks to DC subnets (i.e. delete all the
cimi network operations and yaml files from mock driver) as we do for
machines and instances.
Also, I thought we could map cimi forwarding groups to DC networks that
have more than one subnet.

If I understand correctly, cimi network ports are not equivalent to DC
network interfaces, so for cimi network ports we'd keep the current
network_ports methods in the drivers.

Is that what you had in mind?

Dies Koper

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