I have a question about deltaspike. I want to remove all calls to
<f:loadBundle /> in my xhtml pages.

I have defined a message resolver and I have defined a MessageBundle
interface called MyMessageBundle and added the @MessageBundle annotation.
This works great when calling MyMessageBundle from a managedbean using
injection however how can I access the resource bundle from a xhtml page?
Can I give MyResourceBundle a name so that in my xhtml file I can say

It would be nice if with deltaspike all hardcoded references to
resourcebundle are removed from faces-config.xml and when you add a new
resource bundle all you need to do is add a new resourcebundle interface
and then you can use that resource bundle in your xhtml file.

For example:


And in the xhtml like this:

<h:outputText value="#{lang.getUserFirstNameLabel]}" />

Met vriendelijke groet,
Martijn Hiemstra
Java Software Engineer

Regas B.V.
Pelmolenlaan 18a
3447 GW Woerden

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