Hi Thomas!

This sounds like a bug in ConfigResolver.
We should walk up the parent ClassLoader chain like we do in 

Please create a JIRA issue for it.


> From: Stemmer Thomas <thomas.stem...@cellent.at>
>To: "dev@deltaspike.apache.org" <dev@deltaspike.apache.org> 
>Sent: Tuesday, 26 November 2013, 15:27
>Subject: Using @ConfigProperty in an EAR File on JBoss 7 fails
>I'm using @ConfigProperty for loading properties from a propertyfile. This 
>works fine as long as I deploy the application as an WAR File. If a wrap the 
>WAR in an EAR File the Properties won't get loaded.
>We are using JBoss EAP 6.1.1 (JBoss AS 7.2.1). As far as I can see from 
>debugging the following happens:
>- The properties are loaded on EAR Startup with the EAR Classloader
>- The properties are put in the 
>org.apache.deltaspike.core.api.config.ConfigResolver.configSources HashMap, 
>the key is the EAR Classloader
>- The properties are accessed in the WAR File, so the WAR Classloader is used
>- The ...ConfigResolver.getConfigSources() uses the WAR Classloader as a key 
>for the HashMap
>- No properties are found because of the wrong key (WAR instead of EAR 
>Any ideas how to get this working? I could build a small sample if that's 
>help, but that's pretty much it.
>regards, Thomas
>Ing.Thomas Stemmer 
>Solution Architect
>Software Development Java
>cellent AG 
>...more than just IT
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