<div id='yahoo__compose_area' style="background-color:white; display:block; 
font-family:HelveticaNeue-Regular,Helvetica; font-size:15px;">Quick 
guess:<div><br></div><div>"<font face="Times" size="3"><span 
style="background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0);">The <em>fileEntry</em> 
component requires that a non-AJAX full form submit occur to upload the file 
contents. This is an HTML 4 requirement. It then intercepts this submit and 
employs it's own AJAX techniques to allow for a partial page update, instead of 
the typical full page update. It does not use XmlHttpRequest at any point. 
Because of this, no component may upload the files by doing an AJAX submit, but 
rather must do a standard full form submit. On its own, <b>only</b> 
<b><em>h:commandButton</em></b><b>, without any f:param(s), will use the proper 
mechanism to upload files</b>. Other AJAX components may still do form submits, 
for their own processing, but the file contents will not be uploaded, as
 per the HTML 4 specification. <b>In order to use another component to upload 
files, its onclick property must be 
overridden</b>:"</span></font></div><div><font face="Times" 
size="3"><br></font></div><div><font face="Times" 
size="3"><br></font></div><div><font face="Times" size="3">But we decorate each 
action with our wimdowId.</font></div><div><font face="Times" 
size="3"><br></font></div><div><font face="Times" 
size="3">LieGrue,</font></div><div><font face="Times" size="3">Strub 
href="https://overview.mail.yahoo.com?.src=iOS";>Gesendet von Yahoo Mail für 
iPad</a></div></div></div><div id='yahoo__original_message' 
class='yQTDBase'><br><blockquote style="margin:0 0 0 .8ex; border-left:1px #ccc 
solid; padding-left:1ex; ">Um 26.10.2014 00:54:02 schrieb Nicklas Karlsson<'<a 
href="mailto:nicka...@gmail.com"; x-apple-data-detectors="true" 
id="msgSandbox_AMBhUtQAABI8VEwqCgAAAI6M6G4" class="msgSandbox" style="padding: 
1.5em 0.5em 0.5em 1.2em; word-wrap: break-word;">Hi,<br><br>  A vague question 
but... is anyone aware of any issues with the JSF module<br>and ICEfaces 
fileEntry (<a href="http://www.icesoft.org/wiki/display/ICE/FileEntry"; 
the module present, the upload doesn't work and when the JSF module 
is<br>removed, the upload works. 1.0.3.<br><br>Thanks in advance,<br>  
Nik<br><br>-- <br>Nicklas Karlsson, <a href="tel:+358%2040%205062266" 
x-apple-data-detectors="true" x-apple-data-detectors-type="telephone" 
x-apple-data-detectors-result="4">+358 40 5062266</a><br>Vaakunatie 10 as 7, 
20780 Kaarina<br></div><div></div></blockquote></div>

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