As part of this discussion I proceeded with this commit:

Now the deltaspike root artifactId is just 'deltaspike'.

I tried the release steps and it looks much more nice than having deltaspike-root.

DELTASPIKE-855 closed.

On 3/10/15 16:04, Rafael Benevides wrote:
That could be an option or review maven-release-plugin.

I've created DELTASPIKE-855 to track this changes.

On 3/10/15 15:55, Romain Manni-Bucau wrote:
+1 to remove any suffix.
Le 10 mars 2015 20:50, "Rafael Benevides" <> a écrit :

I also realized that now brings
site and documenation sources. Maybe the distribution profile should be
reviewed to consider only deltaspike-project instead deltaspike-root. that
should also fix the tag name:

On 3/10/15 15:41, Mark Struberg wrote:

-  the deltaspike-root artifactId to just ‚deltaspike'.
yes, sounds fine to me at a first glance.
This is not imported by someone on a maven level anyway. It’s just to
find the source and dist release zips more easily.


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