Romain - I’m not clear on the term “data design”?  In what ways does exposing 
the specification backed JPA API break “data design”?


Or, perhaps you are referencing Eric Evens “Repository Pattern” and asserting 
that by mixing the JPA API and the DeltaSpike Repository API in the same class 
causes “breakage”?


Would you mind elaborating?




From: Romain Manni-Bucau [] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 9, 2015 6:03 PM
Subject: RE: EntityRepository + EntityManagerDelegate


Doesnt it break data design? Why not using the em if it is what you need? One 
doesnt prevent the other.

Le 9 déc. 2015 23:12, "Marvin Toll" < 
<> > a écrit :

Without having the benefit of "test driving" the change, it seems to make a lot 
of sense to me.  Any approach enabling direct access to the (native) JPA API 
can only be beneficial when it is impossible to imagine all of the different 
use cases that might emerge for hundreds of developers over the next decade.


-----Original Message-----
From: Harald Wellmann [ 
<> ]
Sent: Wednesday, December 9, 2015 4:26 PM
To: <> 
Subject: EntityRepository + EntityManagerDelegate

For the benefit of all DS Data users who prefer persist() and merge() over 
save(), I propose to extend the Data API by something like this:

public interface FullEntityRepository<E, PK extends Serializable>
     extends EntityRepository<E, PK>, EntityManagerDelegate<E> {

public abstract class AbstractFullEntityRepository<E, PK extends
     extends AbstractEntityRepository<E, PK>
     implements EntityManagerDelegate<E> {


I don't really care about the exact class names (Full, Extended, you
name it), the point is that end users can simply write

public interface CustomerRepository extends
FullEntityRepository<Customer, Long> {}

to get access to all EntityManager methods.

What do you think?


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