Some notes in line:

On Sun, Apr 2, 2017 at 3:55 PM Mark Struberg <>

> Hi folks!
> I would like to start a discussion about which Containers we like to
> support in 1.8.0 and later.
> We still have CI builds for ancient servers which are known to be buggy
> and will never get any updates anymore.
> So imo we should drop those.
Of the tests that fail, there are few that I would consider to be outside
the realm of bugs in our code.  For instance, Transactional repositories
don't run on Wildfly, last I checked, and its because of something we're
doing outside the spec, but turns out RedHat components do it as well.  Not
sure if its been fixed, or maybe we just need to fix our tests to be a bit
less buggy.

Most of our build failures are due to lack of maintenance on our side -
there's way too many jobs, and keeping up with them is a pain.  I know Gav
for instance tends to edit files directly when making broad changes.  Some
of our builds have broken recently from it (haven't dug into it too much,
was actually planning to look tonight/tomorrow).

> For me the most important containers I'd definitly keep are
> * OWB-1.2.x (latest CDI-1.0)
> * OWB-1.7.x (latest CDI-1.2)
> * Weld-xxx? (latest CDI-1.0, input regarding version needed)
Weld 1.1.34 released 2 months ago

> * Weld-xxx? (latest CDI-1.2), input regarding version needed)
Weld 2.4.2.SP2,  2.4.3 is coming soon I suspect.  I also have a job
pointing to Weld 3 so we can test against the CRs.

> * TomEE EE6 latest version
> * TomEE EE7 latest version
> * Wildfly EE7 latest version
10.1 , 11 Alphas just started.

> * Wildfly EE6 IF there is anything still maintained? (guess rather not,
> right?
Wildfly was always EE7 and up.  Before that, JBoss AS 7 was the EE 6
edition.  The last patch release I see against EAP is 6.4 from about 2
years ago.

> * GlassFish 4 IF it is still maintained (which I think is not, so this
> will likely get kicked)
> * GlassFish 4 IF it is stil maintained (not sure about the status)
> * Payara (will check with Mike which version officially have support for)
Our build points to, is the latest I see they've

> * WLS-12c (not sure who runs it, but I think it is still maintained)

> Anything else?
> We currently have a bunch of ancient CI jobs which are a.) often broken
> and spam our lists b.) are expensive to maintain and run.
> Any input?
Personally, I would love to take this opportunity to switch our build
system to be based on Jenkinsfile and a pipeline, instead of all of these
build jobs.  This way we can maintain in source control what we run CI
against, and provide a more straight-forward set of build tasks to run.  It
would also reduce Jenkins overhead dramatically since its fewer jobs net to
run.  Please it looks prettier.

For anything we're saying we're kicking, I would like to avoid deleting
maven profiles, and instead just delete jenkins jobs.  This way if someone
locally wants to take it on, they still can.

Would there be any benefit to seeing if there's a way to run our test suite
against Wildfly Swarm?  And potentially Websphere Liberty?

> txs and LieGrue,
> strub

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