Hi Mark

I like interdync and it is a generic fit but invomon is a bit limited in
current flavor and I would be tempted to say we can just inherit from the
related sirona part of code if we want to go this way.

Romain Manni-Bucau
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2018-02-09 10:49 GMT+01:00 Mark Struberg <strub...@yahoo.de.invalid>:

> Hi folks!
> Some of you might know my interdyn + invomon projects [1].
> For the others, what are they about?
> interdyn is a dynamic interceptor binding Extension.
> It allows to declare a regexp pattern and a class name of an Interceptor
> annotation.
> It then applies this annotation to all the classes which map the regexp.
> Of course you can define multiple rules.
> rule.1.match=.*ServiceImpl
> rule.1.interceptor=net.struberg.devtools.cdi.invomon.InvocationMonitored
> The other part is exactly that @InvocationMonitored interceptor.
> It logs the most expensive methods and classes after each request.
> The output looks like the following:
> 2011-03-19 12:36:27,291 [2046767960@qtp-1243908618-9]  INFO
> invomon.InvocationResultLogger Top Class Invocations:
>   count: 51     net.struberg.myproject.core.be.semester.
> SemesterRemoteServiceImpl
>   count: 21     net.struberg.myproject.core.be.security.service.
> SecurityServiceImpl
>   count: 5      net.struberg.myproject.util.be.config.ConfigServiceImpl
>   count: 2      net.struberg.myproject.course.be.CourseServiceImpl
>   count: 1      net.struberg.myproject.events.be.EventServiceImpl
>   count: 1      net.struberg.myproject.core.be.persons.
> PersonRemoteServiceImpl
>   count: 1      net.struberg.myproject.course.be.LecturerServiceImpl
>   count: 1      net.struberg.myproject.events.be.EventRemoteServiceImpl
> 2011-03-19 12:36:27,292 [2046767960@qtp-1243908618-9]  INFO
> invomon.InvocationResultLogger Top Method Invocations:
>   dur[ms]: 442.48096    count: 1        net.struberg.myproject.course.
> be.CourseServiceImpl#deleteCourse
>   dur[ms]: 349.34717    count: 1        net.struberg.myproject.course.
> be.CourseServiceImpl#getByFilter
>   dur[ms]: 104.53423    count: 1        net.struberg.myproject.events.
> be.EventRemoteServiceImpl#getEvent
>   dur[ms]: 100.43162    count: 1        net.struberg.myproject.events.
> be.EventServiceImpl#getEvent
>   dur[ms]: 24.677048    count: 1        net.struberg.myproject.course.
> be.LecturerServiceImpl#getEmployeeIdsInvolvedInOrgUnitCourses
>   dur[ms]: 1.596834     count: 1        net.struberg.myproject.core.
> be.persons.PersonRemoteServiceImpl#getByEmployeeIdList
>   dur[ms]: 0.892522     count: 51       net.struberg.myproject.core.
> be.semester.SemesterRemoteServiceImpl#getCorrespondingSemesterCode
>   dur[ms]: 0.288455     count: 5        net.struberg.myproject.util.
> be.config.ConfigServiceImpl#getStringProperty
>   dur[ms]: 0.248038     count: 3        net.struberg.myproject.core.
> be.security.service.SecurityServiceImpl#isGranted
>   dur[ms]: 0.203102     count: 18       net.struberg.myproject.core.
> be.security.service.SecurityServiceImpl#isAuthenticated
> The initial version requires an own property file. But of course all this
> configuration could also be provided via DS-config.
> wdyt?
> Worth moving over to DeltaSpike?
> LieGrue,
> strub
> [1] https://github.com/struberg/interdyn

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