+1 for 3)
the workarounds are really not that big...

i would leave it as it is for now and start with DS 2.0 (= CDI2.0 only) the
next months.

2018-04-03 22:06 GMT+02:00 Gerhard Petracek <gpetra...@apache.org>:

> hi @ all,
> since we will need to maintain v1.8.x for a while and it's too early for
> using cdi 2.0 (for a while), we should discuss if we should have one branch
> using cdi 1.2+.
> it would allow to get rid of several workarounds (and the corresponding
> warnings during the bootstrapping process).
> we had a short discussion in the irc-channel about the following options:
> #1) ds v1.x as it is right now; ds v2: jdk8 with cdi 1.2+
> vs
> #2) ds v1.8.x: as it is right now; ds > v1.8.x && < v2.x: jdk8 with cdi
> v1.2+; ds v2: jdk8 with cdi 2.0+
> vs
> #3) we don't care about v1.2 as a min. requirement at all
> (the workarounds are minimal anyway and users can continue to ignore the
> warnings during the bootstrapping process)
> or for sure
> #4) [any other nice suggestion]
> -> please send your preferred approach
> regards,
> gerhard

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