We should also enhance the support to include @Configuration.
e.g. if you have some class like
@Configuration(cacheFor=60, cacheUnit=TimeUnit.MINUTES)
public class FtpConfigation {  String host();  Integer port();  String 
username();  String encryptedPwd();}
Then you will likely resolve all those values in an atomic way. This means that 
the values are basically backed by a @RequestScoped ConfigTransaction holder.
Do we _always_ like to activate this feature?Or do we like to introduce another 
flag in the @Configuration annotation?
What about threads which have no request Context active?Should it automatically 
fallback to on-demand resolving?

    On Wednesday, 4 April 2018, 18:08:09 CEST, Mark Struberg 
<strub...@yahoo.de.INVALID> wrote:  
 hi folks!
please review the proposed solution for DELTASPIKE-1335

Not quite sure about startTransaction and ConfigTransation are the right terms. 
Happy to get feedback!

txs and LieGrue,strub

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