
On Fri, Jan 30, 2015 at 4:42 PM, Reza Naghibi <r...@naghibi.com> wrote:

> So Ive been working thru the 1.0.2 data and its clear that the data
> parameter format is officially all over the map. Camel case, underscores,
> and dashes are used throughout. So im going to go ahead and propose
> snake_case for 2.0. Here are some of my thoughts:
> -JS/JSON parameters are problematic when dashses are used, so thats kind of
> a reason to eliminate the dash.
> -Camel case uses a mix of cases which can be error prone. This may be more
> of an observation than an actual argument.
> Im pretty open here, so if there are good reasons to go in any direction,
> lets hear them.
> As for converting our current data, its pretty simple to convert camelCase
> to camel_case and dashed-params become dashed_params.
> So once I get the 1.0.2 release done, I will start work on the actual JSON
> format specification for 2.0. Once that is done, I think 2.0 will be ready
> for dev.

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