Graham Leggett wrote:
Alex Karasulu wrote:

Sorry I've been horible with email but as we already discussed at ApacheCon there is no solaris pkg for ApacheDS. Perhaps we should consider making a tarball and a pkg for solaris platforms.

I did the Solaris package scripts for httpd, apr and subversion, I can see what I can do for this - what tool did you use for packaging, I remember you said it was a maven plugin?

Yeah it's a custom Maven plugin that I wrote a while back. The thing has no documentation :(. The code is located over here if you want to take a look?

I have a RPM spec template here which might help shed some light as to the variable replacements going on in such files.

Perhaps you might build a static solaris package for ApacheDS and I can incorporate that as a target in the plugin.


P.S. Hope your trip home was a safe and relaxing one.

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