Guys, this seems to be a perfect tool for us !

The licience is compatible ( "For packages containing solely software licensed under the GPL, LGPL, BSD/MIT (without the "advertising clause"), or Apache Software Foundation licenses, the packaging work is licensed under the same license as the software itself."), and some of our users need a RPM which works (Bastiaan).

Ole, if you want any help, I'm your man ! (and we can also provide a debian install).


On 10/24/06, Alex Karasulu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Ole Ersoy wrote:
> Hey Guys,
> I've been busy trying to code RPMS, so I can automate
> my OS installs, and then came across this:
> They have these goals:
>     *   To provide a coherent set of Java software
> packages for Linux, satisfying all quality
> requirements of other applications.
>     * To establish an efficient and robust policy for
> Java software packaging and installation.
> Tomcat and maven are among packages provided already.
> Also this might help with Solaris packaging:
> If ADS is a jpackaged installing is as easy as
> yum install ads....
> I know Fedora uses JPackages already and I'm sure many
> other Linux distributions do as well.
> I'm working on understanding the tomcat jpackage right
> now, and I'll take a look at the ADS rpm after.
> Oh - Incidentally the Tomcat rpm complies with this:
> I imagine doing the same for ADS would be a good
> thing.


Right now the current RPM we have is a mess.  We need some people to
step up and help us put things in order.

Plus we don't have solaris pkgs which are really nice to have.


Emmanuel Lécharny

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