On 2 août 2013, at 20:50, Kiran Ayyagari <kayyag...@apache.org> wrote:

> On Fri, Aug 2, 2013 at 10:43 PM, Pierre-Arnaud Marcelot <p...@marcelot.net> 
> wrote:
> Hi,
> Recently, a user raised an issue on the LDAP API indicating that result codes 
> from extended operations were lost.
> See https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/DIRAPI-151.
> I took some time to debug the issue and it turns out it's true and it's even 
> bigger than that, the response is simply not parsed correctly and internally 
> in the API the object we return is just a newly created response for the 
> given extended operation.
> The result code returned from the server is completely forgotten, same thing 
> for the specific values included in the extended operation response.
> On the server, Emmanuel also found that responses were not correctly encoded.
> We're currently fixing that.
> This issue lead us to have a look at how the extended operations are loaded 
> and I took a chance at simplifying a bit (which will help resolving the 
> issue) the list of factories we need to append in the command line.
> We had properties like:
> - default.controls
> - extra.controls
> - default.extendedOperation.requests
> - default.extendedOperation.responses
> - extra.extendedOperations
> In the end, those default/extra distinctions didn't mean much and we needed 
> to have them all the time.
> Also, the titles of the properties like 'default.extendedOperation.responses' 
> were misleading as it was only intended for some specific kind of unsolicited 
> response (having no request).
> I simplified it to two simple properties:
> - apacheds.controls
> - apacheds.extendedOperations
> +1 for the move, but please support the old properties as well to keep this 
> change backward compatible
> cause these properties(old and new as well) are not so explicit and many 
> users may not think of these
> while debugging an issue, so backward compatibility saves them a lot of time 
> when they update their
> server libraries (but using the old scripts/classes in their applications to 
> start the server)

Sure, good idea.


> All tests, scripts and installers have been updated to reflect this change, 
> so everything should be covered.
> Thoughts?
> Regards,
> Pierre-Arnaud
> -- 
> Kiran Ayyagari
> http://keydap.com

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