Hi guys,

as we are currently voting the 1.0.0-M30 release of teh LDAP API, I'd
like to provide a quick status. The idea is to know what's missing to
get a first RC, and I do think we are not that far.

What are the critical features we need to add in the RC ? Here is a
short list :

- Support of referral chasing (DIRAPI-61, DIRAPI-179).

This is not that complex to add, I would say it's a 2/3 days work, max
(tests included). The idea is to gather all the referrals response we
get, then when we are done with the normal entries, start chasing the
referrals one by one. As we may get more referrals, we have to take care
of potential cycles, and hops (cycle must be detected, and the number of
hops must be limited).

- Make the API threadsafe (DIRAPI-237)

This is a bit complex, as we have to secure the shared structure we use
to process the incoming responses. I would say that 5 days of work
should be enough for this task, but tests might be a bit complex to
prove we are correct.

- StartTLS hostname verification (DIRAPI-69 and DIRAPI-72

Probably something we want to add into the API before the RC. It's

- OpenLDAP schema parsing (DIRAPI-154)

Radovan is working on it. I can give a hand if needed...

- TLS closure support (DIRAPI-136)

We don't yet support the TLS closure. Basically, once TLS is started, we
can just close the connection. Not ultra critical, but really convenient
to have !

- Exceptions (DIRAPI-116)

It would be very cool to review the Exceptions being thrown by the API
methods, to make them consistent, before cutting a RC, otherwise we will
be stuck with the wrong exceptions for a very long time.

- Documentation

There are a lot of missing Javadoc, and the web site *has* to be updated...

So, we are not that far, but still, there is work to do. I think we can
get a RC out in one month of work. I also think that it would be
valuable to get it out soon, it's more than 5 years we are working on
the API, and it's already stable enough to be used in production, we are
just hit by what I call the 'Debian syndrom'...

Thoughs ?

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