On 10/03/2017 03:23 PM, Graham Leggett wrote:
> We have a directory containing current users, as well as historical accounts 
> that are disabled but still present.
> We’d like to be able to see at glance which accounts are “live” and which are 
> “disabled” to stop people asking about disabled accounts.
> Does Apache DIrectory Studio have a mechanism where objects in a “disabled” 
> state are marked as such in the UI? (For example, maybe they’re displayed 
> with a strikethrough, etc etc)
> There are different icons for various objectclasses, but is there an icon for 
> a disabled user?

I assume those "disabled" users have a specific attribute set? Or do
they get another objectclass assigned? I know "userAccountControl" in AD
or the pwdLockout attribute.

But anyway, currently that is not possible. The icons are selected based
on the entry's objectclasses only. The reason is that while browsing
(expanding nodes in the LDAP Browser view) we only fetch the objectclass
attributes but not all attributes of the entries, only if you click on a
particular entry all attributes are fetched and shown. Also the mapping
from OC to icon is currently hardcoded.

Technically everything you want is possible, just lot of work :)

But maybe you can use a filter to filter out the disabled users on the
server side?

Kind Regards,

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