On 9/8/18 12:51 PM, Shawn McKinney wrote:
>> On Sep 8, 2018, at 2:00 AM, Stefan Seelmann <m...@stefan-seelmann.de> wrote:
>> I wanted to do that now, but now the src/docker and other config folders
>> are gone, was that on purpose?
> Negative, was a mistake, on my part.  I’ve had some strange effects in my dev 
> VM.  Anyway these files/folders have been re-added to the project repo.  I’ll 
> test on a clean VM later today to verify I didn’t miss anything.  In the 
> meantime, please proceed when ready.

Cool, thanks.

I replaced both, the OpenLDAP and ApacheDS one. The OpenLDAP runs stable

However the test that uses ApacheDS always fails. Either it times out
after 2 hours (!) or it fails with a password expired message. Locally
the test runs successful in approx. 30 minutes. I assume the tests do a
lot of I/O and fsync is enabled in ApacheDS and the Jenkins servers have
only spindle disks. I disabled the test for now and continue to
investigate after the Studio release.

Kind Regards,


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