On 1/21/19 11:23 PM, Emmanuel Lécharny wrote:
> That makes me think :
> what I would absolutely love to have is a pipeline of performance tests
> that run against various versions of the server, and various versions of
> Java...
> What would it take to have that, assuming we have the perf tests already
> existi,g ?

I'm not sure the ASF Jenkins infrastructure is well suited for that.
Each job (and also each stage within a pipeline job) is executed on
another machine with different resources (CPU, memeory, disk IO). And as
it's shared resources you can't be sure the perf test can use the full
resources, or if another job is running on the same machine. So the
results are hard to compare.


If the perf tests live in a separate git repo just create a
`Jenkinsfile`, otherwise if the are in the apacheds repo just create a
`Jenkinsfile.perftest` and a new Jenkins pipeline job where you
configure the "Script Path". Probably you also want to archive the test
results and change the build discarder to keep a longer history of builds.

The build stages can reuse the Maven docker images which have different
tags per Java versions. Within the stage steps you can first run a shell
script to download, install, configure and start a particular ApacheDS
version, then run the tests (e.g. with maven).

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