On 5/5/19 9:50 AM, Emmanuel Lécharny wrote:
> I'm almost done with LDAP API junit 5 migration, with only one burden :
> the multithreaded Rule that has to be ported. Junit 5 does not support
> @Rule, there is a new mechanism called extensions [1]. I still have to
> study it. The other used rule is the one using temporary folder
> creation. Atm, I just skipped it and replaced it with a init function
> doing the same thing, but that could be improved.

I guess we can remove that rule.

> All in all, I'm not sure we will need the junit-addons project, except
> if we  decide to create the multithreaded extension and make it
> available for other projects.

I guess we can get rid of it.

> As a side note, surefire also support running tests in parallel ([2]).
> That may be an opportunity to remove all the concurrent annotation from
> the tests.

I assume we use the annotation because some tests cannot run in parallel?

Anyway, thanks Emmanuel for doing the migration!

Kind Regards,

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