Sad. There are are so many people who lack the intelligence to actually build something decent.

Just like taking a hammer to a swiss watch or a bomb to a cathedral, it is so much easier to destroy than to build.

People who think they have intelligence because they are capable of destruction are really making fools of themselves.

Pretty much everything that makes it worthwhile to be human - integrity, dedication, vision, hope, hard work, honesty, teamwork, will not find these things in those who enjoy needlessly destroying, lying, defacing, and otherwise hurting or taking advantage of those around them.


Alex Thurgood wrote:
Hi, I just logged in using my profile and found this waiting for me :

It is a thinly disguised DOC object (no doubt containing some nice malicious macro code) passing itself as a ODF file.

I imagine that the person who put it there is not a member of the project either.

Alex Thurgood

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