
Regarding the tutorial you are writing, do you have a preference on the license under which it will be released? (If you have already stated a preference, I apologise for missing that note.)

The OOoAuthors group uses the Creative Commons Attribution License for its user guides, but the main project requires the Public Documentation License (PDL) for editable work placed on the main website (PDFs can be under Creative Commons). Material on the wiki can be under either license.

I recommend that you read these pages regarding licensing:

Many authors want the protection and control of the PDL for their
work; I have no argument with anyone who does. However, the PDL
has some requirements that many of us think are a major nuisance
for user documentation, especially items that are updated
frequently to reflect changes in the software.

Therefore, many of us prefer the Creative Commons Attribution
License (which allows easier reuse of material), so that is what has been used for guides produced by OOoAuthors. As far as I know, the Base Guide will be published under CC as well.

So... you need to decide which license(s) you want your work to
come under. Actually, I don't think there is any reason why the
same material can't be published under more than one license, but
I am definitely not an authority on intellectual property.


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