Hi Drew!

I am happy to see that you are ready to continue with this project. We 
certainly didn't make it for the Nov. 15 date. Well, we do what we can.

The last part of the tutorial has to do with explaining how to code the design 
that was developed in the previous parts of the tutorial. I am planing to start 
with the the input interface for clients and their phone numbers (this includes 
the MDs and psychiatrists tables too).

The tricks here are including an automatic time stamp and having the ADD PHONE 
button work every time it is called. This single button is very important 
because is archetypical of all one-to-many conditions and a resource that 
people using base might use often. I understand that this will require using 
OOoBasic Script, which I find very exciting, and the use of the UNO object or 
something like this. Of course, I am counting on you to show me how to do it. 
What I have in mind is that I ask you as a layman and you answer as an expert.

By the way, I remember that you said that the Phone number table would also 
require a one-to-many relationship with the Patient table (instead of the 
one-to-one I had declared. The complete set of cardinals I had declared was 
1..n (from patient to phone record) and 1..1 (from phone record to patient). I 
am still confused as of why and hope that you can enlighten me.

The other thing that we need is to show how to use the contents of a table to 
appear in a drop-down list, for example, the name of the psychiatrists, but 
then make sure that the Key and not the name is recorded as the foreign key.

These four elements would be a good starting point. As you can see, I pretty 
much follow the questions I had for you related to the input forms drafts I 
sent you, skipping the ones that get repeated.

You had offered joining on a virtual whiteboard or something like that. Let me 
know is this is still possible and how and when we could do it. Otherwise, your 
textual explanations and my constant questions would do.

On a related note, Jane is working on a Base manual and she thinks that some of 
the text in our project could be useful. I am updating some elements in the 
tutorial (like deletion options and relationships) and would like you to review 
them before I send them to her.

Just in case I don't hear from you before Thanksgiving day: Happy Thanksgiving 


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