Clayton wrote:
I've done some more cleanup on the Contributor's 101 Wiki page:

I've made it more Wiki centric, but it still needs more work.

I am writing a section on the different ways people can contribute, such as writing, reviewing, researching, screen captures & other artwork, and so on.

High Priority Tasks need to be cleaned up (some items are not really
important anymore, others might be better suited to the Ongoing Tasks

This list might better be titled "High Priority Projects" or some such. IMO a "task" should be a reasonably bite-sized chunk, the biggest being to write or review a chapter or section of a guide. (Exception: coordinating the development of a book or other project.) Some of the items on the current list would qualify as "tasks" but most are too big.

This Contributors' page should link to one or more detailed lists of tasks. NeedsRework (already on this task list) is one possibility; another is the Documentation Dashboard, which could be linked to more detailed pages.

For example, for the user guides I would like to have a list of which chapters need what work (reviewing, editing, updating to latest version of OOo, writing missing sections, whatever is relevant). The problem, of course, is keeping a detailed list up to date.

There is little/no information about how someone can contribute to a
larger document - eg the Writer Guide.  Should they do this only in the
Wiki?  Other places/processes?

We could encourage people to contribute on the wiki as the project's preferred method, but given that most of the contributors to the user guides so far prefer to work in .ODT files through the OOoAuthors website, I think it would be very counterproductive to say *only* on the wiki.


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