
I'm not sure this is the right place to post a question like this, but I've
been stuck with the same problem for days now.

I'm trying to use flow director perfect match filters and so far I haven't
been able to get it working. I have tried writing my own simple app (based
on given examples) and I tried adding filter using something as simple as:

//setting the mask to watch for src IP
memset(&fdir_masks, 0x00, sizeof(struct rte_fdir_masks));
fdir_masks.src_ipv4_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
ret = rte_eth_dev_fdir_set_masks(portid, &fdir_masks);
//adding filter
memset(&filter, 0, sizeof(struct rte_fdir_filter));
filter.ip_src.ipv4_addr = htonl(ipv4_src);
filter.l4type = RTE_FDIR_L4TYPE_NONE;
filter.iptype = RTE_FDIR_IPTYPE_IPV4;
ret = rte_eth_dev_fdir_add_perfect_filter(portid,&filter,3,queue,0);

After running this code and using using tcpreplay to push traffic to
interface, I get all the misses in the stats and no matches.  As far as I
understand, to match only on src IP, all rte_fdir_filter elements should be
set to 0, and only src_ip should be masked (with 1's).

After this I tried running testpmd application but also no luck. The
commands I used are:
set_masks_filter 0 only_ip_flow 0 src_mask 0xFFFFFFFF 0x0000 dst_mask
0x00000000 0x0000 flexbytes 0 vlan_id 0 vlan_prio 0
add_perfect_filter 0 ip src 0 dst 0 flexbytes 0 vlan 0
queue 1 soft 3

Filter is added but after sending packets to this interface, I only see
misses in stats.

What I am doing wrong?  I've read the docs and looked at API reference but
didn't find anything that could help me.

Configuring flow director filter using ethtool and sending same packets
results in matches, so packets I'm sending should be matched.

Thank you for any help!

Newman P.

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