On Mon, 27 Apr 2015 08:38:48 -0400
Dave Neary <dneary at redhat.com> wrote:

> What Keith is describing is very similar to a change management/change
> control board you might find for production/IT processes:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Change_control_board
> An efficient change management board approves "low overhead" changes
> automatically/very quickly, and focusses on the 10% of changes which
> could be disruptive (and what disruptive means changes from one
> environment to another) - for code it would be any patches that
> potentially conflict, anything that could cause regressions, add
> instability or uncertainty, and any feature which can be implemented
> multiple ways.
> Not saying this would work - I have never seen an open source project
> implement a change management process for handling patches, and
> instinctively I agree with you Neil that it would be a lot of overhead,
> but it's an interesting thought exercise to think how it might work

ZMQ has a community process with a simple review process
and a "default YES" policy.

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