
I am trying to connect a virtual machine with a openvswitch using DPDK  
for performance, as you can see in the next figure.

| QMEU VM                                       |
|                                               |
|                          +--------+--------+  |
|                          |    DPDK  APP    |  |
|                          |                 |  |
|                          +--------^--------+  |
|                                   |           |
|                          +--------V--------+  |
|                          |   DPDK virtual  |  |
|                          |    interface    |  |
                                     |   Ivshmen ??
                                     |   MEMNIC  ??
|  OVS+DPDK                |   DPDK virtual  |  |
|                          |    interface    |  |
|                          +-----------------+  |
|                                               |
|                                               |
|  +--------------+         +----------------+  |
|  |              |         |                |  |
           |                            |
           |                            |
           |                            |
+---------V---+                 +------V--------+
|  10G NIC    |                 |  10G NIC      |
|   DPDK      |                 |   DPDK        |
+-------------+                 +---------------+

I do not have any problem connecting with 10G NICs, but I do have when  
it comes to QEMU. I am nor pretty sure how to connect qemu with ovs.

As far as I know, I think that I have to use MEMNIC or Ivshmem, but I  
cannot find much information about how to do it.

Could someone explain to me how can it be done?

Thank you in advanced.

I?aki Murillo

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