On 11/2/2015 3:31 PM, Thomas Monjalon wrote:
> 2015-11-02 02:18, Xie, Huawei:
>> On 10/31/2015 2:21 AM, Thomas Monjalon wrote:
>>> Sorry, there is a clang error.
>>> 2015-10-29 22:53, Huawei Xie:
>>>> +  _mm_prefetch((const void *)rused, _MM_HINT_T0);
>>> virtio_rxtx_simple.c:197:2: error: cast from 'const void *' to
>>>       'void *' drops const qualifier
>> This is weird. This conversion is actually from 'void *' to 'const void
>> *', not the opposite, so there should be no error.
>> I checked clang build, it doesn't report error.
>>     clang version 3.3 (tags/RELEASE_33/rc2)
> I'm using clang 3.6.2.
> Anybody else to check please?

I checked clang-3.5 on Fedora 22 and clang-3.6 on Ubuntu 15.04.
Clang-3.6 reports warnings, but the definition of this macro doesn't change.

Why (const void*) conversion is used in the code is because when
__OPTIMIZE__ is defined, GCC defines first parameter to be "const void *".

Could you add the following macro(used in other vec pmds as well) before
virtqueue_enqueue_recv_refill_simple or do i need to submit a new patchset?

+#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wcast-qual"

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