On Fri, Nov 27, 2015 at 04:07:39PM +0000, Bernard Iremonger wrote:
> If eth_ring vdevs are created from the command line with the --vdev option,
> they create there own rings which are not shared by other vdevs.

Typo: s/their/there/

> Some of tests in this suite require that the vdevs share rings, so some
> of the tests fail.
> For vdevs to share rings they must be created in the test code with the
> rte_eth_from_rings() function using rings created with the rte_ring_create()
> function.
> Use the command line option --vdev=eth_ring0 to create port 0.

As I understand it, this option is not mandatory for the tests to pass, it only
allows some additional functional tests on cmd-line created rings to be run.
This should perhaps still be called out in the commit message.

> Create two rings and five ethdevs in test_pmd_ring.c for ports 1 to 5.
"... and then use these to run the unit tests on the pmd ring functionality"

> Improve test output by adding the port number to printf statements,
> and adding a printf describing each test.


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