2016-01-18 13:30, David Marchand:
> We could do something ? la modinfo, but let's keep it simple for now.
> With this, you can extract the devices that need to be bound to uio / vfio
> with tools like objdump :
> $ objdump -j rte_pci_id_uio -s build/lib/librte_pmd_fm10k.so
> Contents of section rte_pci_id_uio:
>  15760 8680a415 ffffffff 8680d015 ffffffff  ................
>  15770 8680a515 ffffffff 00000000 00000000  ................

Yes we need a modinfo-like tool.
Currently, the UIO/VFIO binding can be done after parsing the PCI device list.
It is better to define the device ids locally to their drivers but it must
be integrated with an appropriate parsing tool at the same time.
And more importantly than any tool, the format of these ELF data must be
properly defined, documented and extensible.

Is there someone experimented with such format definition?
Stephen, you were asking for this change, what is your opinion?
I remember that Neil was also interested in this change:
Panu, Christian, this change could be related to distribution packaging.
Thanks for helping to move this change forward.

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