On 03/19/2018 08:11 PM, Olivier Matz wrote:
+        *
+        * if we don't need our mempools to have physically contiguous objects,
+        * then just set page shift and page size to 0, because the user has
+        * indicated that there's no need to care about anything.
+        *
+        * if we do need contiguous objects, there is also an option to reserve
+        * the entire mempool memory as one contiguous block of memory, in
+        * which case the page shift and alignment wouldn't matter as well.
+        *
+        * if we require contiguous objects, but not necessarily the entire
+        * mempool reserved space to be contiguous, then there are two options.
+        *
+        * if our IO addresses are virtual, not actual physical (IOVA as VA
+        * case), then no page shift needed - our memory allocation will give us
+        * contiguous physical memory as far as the hardware is concerned, so
+        * act as if we're getting contiguous memory.
+        *
+        * if our IO addresses are physical, we may get memory from bigger
+        * pages, or we might get memory from smaller pages, and how much of it
+        * we require depends on whether we want bigger or smaller pages.
+        * However, requesting each and every memory size is too much work, so
+        * what we'll do instead is walk through the page sizes available, pick
+        * the smallest one and set up page shift to match that one. We will be
+        * wasting some space this way, but it's much nicer than looping around
+        * trying to reserve each and every page size.
+        */
This comment is helpful to understand, thanks.

(by the way, reading it makes me think we should rename

I'll care about renaming in my patchset about mempool_ops API.

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