On 4/12/2018 3:57 PM, Ananyev, Konstantin wrote:
> Hi,
>> Create a fifo to buffer received packets. Once it flows over put
>> those packets into the actual tx queue. The fifo is created per tx
>> queue and its size can be set with the --buffersize-before-sending
>> commandline parameter.
>> A second commandline parameter is used to set a timeout in
>> milliseconds after which the fifo is flushed.
>> --buffersize-before-sending [packet numbers]
>> Keep the mbuf in a FIFO and forward the over flooding packets from the
>> FIFO. This queue is per TX-queue (after all other packet processing).
>> --flush-timer [delay]
>> Flush the packet queue if no packets have been seen during
>> [delay]. As long as packets are seen, the timer is reset.
> I understand your desire to have some realistic fwd scenario,
> but why it all have to be put in iowfd mode?
>  iowfd is the simplest one, mainly used to test raw PMD pefomance
> in nearly ideal conditions.
> Why not to create your own forwarding mode (as most people do)?
> That way you'll have your 'real world app' test scenario,
> while keeping iofwd code small and simple.

+1 to having own forwarding mode for noisy neighbor, and leaving iofwd simple.

> Konstantin 
>> Signed-off-by: Jens Freimann <jfreim...@redhat.com>


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