Thank you all for attending the hangout today.

Here are the meeting minutes:

Muhammed asked question about how the client chooses which drillbit to connect.
Client gets the information about available drillbits from zookeeper and
just does round robin to select the node for a query. That drillbit becomes the 
foreman for the query.

Paul discussed in detail the memory fragmentation problem we have in drill and 
how we
are planning to address that. It was very insightful. Thanks Paul.
You can refer to DRILL-5211<> 
for more details. It has links to background information and design docs.
Please ask questions and provide comments in the JIRA.

For the next meeting, we can choose another topic like this and go in detail.


On Jun 12, 2017, at 10:21 AM, Padma Penumarthy 
<<>> wrote:

Drill hangout will be tomorrow, 10 AM PST.

In the last hangout, we talked about discussing one of the ongoing Drill 
projects in detail.
Please let me know who wants to volunteer to discuss the topic they are working 
on -
memory fragmentation, spill to disk for hash agg, external sort and schema 

Also, please let me know if you have any topics you want to discuss by 
responding to this email.
We will also ask for topics at the beginning of the hangout.


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