I'd suggest to unify multiple logback.xml into a single or max 2 (one for unit test and one for release) file. Any objections/cons to the proposal?

Thank you,


On 9/4/17 05:00, Vova Vysotskyi wrote:
Vlad Rozov, thanks for the idea to conditionally enable Lilith appender.

I agree with you that the order of logback.xml files is undefined. I
suppose that these files are used for debugging separate tests when
logback config file is set manually (-Dlogback.configurationFile).

2017-09-01 22:49 GMT+00:00 Vlad Rozov <vro...@apache.org>:

I'd suggest to conditionally enable lilith appender in logback.xml based
on a property (for example drill.lilith.level). By default it can be set to
OFF and lilith appender not being added to loggers specified in the
logback.xml. An individual unit test can be executed with
-Ddrill.lilith.level=DEBUG, in which case, the appender will be in effect
if necessary.

I have a related question - there are several logback.xml in the
drill/exec/java-exec: ./test/sh/logback.xml, ./test/resources/logback.xml
and ./main/resources/logback.xml. on top of that, java-exec depends on
drill-common-test that has it's own logback.xml and they all end up being
on the classpath during unit test. Which one is used during unit test
depends on their order in the classpath and my experience with maven
dependency says that the order is undefined. Do I miss something here and
there is an additional mechanism that resolves which logback configuration
is in use?

Thank you,


On 9/1/17 10:34, Jinfeng Ni wrote:

If you run the whole unit test suite, you do not have to open Lilith at
same time. My experience is Lilith will significantly slow down unit test
suite running, and even fail testcases, as Drill's code put many DEBUG log
which chocked Lilith.

Lilith is useful only if you are running individual testcases to debug
certain issues.

On Fri, Sep 1, 2017 at 1:36 AM, Arina Yelchiyeva <

I don't think that Lilith is critical for running unit tests. Since it is
used to view the logs, I guess you can disable it by default but please
leave the comment indicating the reason of the change.

Kind regards

On Thu, Aug 31, 2017 at 2:06 PM, Vova Vysotskyi <vvo...@gmail.com>

Hi all,
I am having troubles when running Drill unit tests on the node where
Hiveserver2 service is running. In this case, run hangs in the middle.
is because Lilith and Hiveserver2 use the same port 10000.
I tried to change the Lilith port in the logback.xml, but we cannot


this port in Lilith UI (https://github.com/huxi/lilith/issues/10).
I have no other Ideas, how to avoid this issue without disabling Lilith


stopping HS2.

Do you mind if I disable Lilith SOCKET connection by default?

Kind regards,
Volodymyr Vysotskyi

Thank you,


Thank you,


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