Looks like the plugin may have issues and some folks have reported that the
inclusion of the plugin can mess up you workspace.

So hold off on installing the plugin while I look for a solution.

On Thu, Oct 12, 2017 at 3:41 PM, Parth Chandra <par...@apache.org> wrote:

> I just merged in changes for DRILL-5431 and it looks like the inclusion of
> netty-tcnative is causing all sorts of problems.  netty-tcnative is OS
> specific so we included a maven extension to detect the OS. (The
> distribution package has no issues since it packages all the supported OS
> variants). The extension to detect the OS however does not work correctly
> on Eclipse without a little bit of help.
> From the plugin's readme:
> Issues with Eclipse m2e or other IDEs
> If you are using IntelliJ IDEA, you should not have any problem.
> If you are using Eclipse, you need to install an additional Eclipse plugin
> because m2e <https://www.eclipse.org/m2e/> does not evaluate the
> extension specified in a pom.xml. Download os-maven-plugin-1.5.0.Final.jar
> <http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/kr/motd/maven/os-maven-plugin/1.5.0.Final/os-maven-plugin-1.5.0.Final.jar>
>  and
> put it into the <ECLIPSE_HOME>/pluginsdirectory.
> (As you might have noticed, os-maven-plugin is a Maven extension, a Maven
> plugin, and an Eclipse plugin.)
> If you are using other IDEs such as NetBeans, you need to set the system
> properties os-maven-plugin sets manually when your IDE is launched. You
> usually use JVM's -D flags like the following:
> -Dos.detected.name=linux -Dos.detected.arch=x86_64 
> -Dos.detected.classifier=linux-x86_64
> Apologies to everyone who struggled with this and thanks Aman for bringing
> this to my attention.
> Parth

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