Hi Vlad,

Would be great to get insight from the original authors. Here ismy two cents as 
a late comer who made extensive use of the classes in question.

Many of your questions are at the implementation level. It is worth looking at 
the question from two other perspectives: history and design.

Historically, Drill adopted Netty for networking, and wisely looked for ways of 
using the same buffers for both network transfer and internal operations to 
avoid copies. Some overview is in [1]. In this view, a Drill vector is a 
network buffer. Network buffers use the ByteBuffer protocol to serialize binary 
values. DrillBuf follows that model for the most part. Because a ByteBuffer is 
a low-level abstraction over a buffer, each operation must perform bounds 
checks to ensure safe operation.

DrillBuf provides the ability to present a "view" of a slice of a larger 
underlying buffer. For example, when reading data from a spill file, all data 
for all internal vectors is read into a single buffer. For a nullable VarChar, 
for example, the buffer contains the bit vectors, the offset vectors and the 
data vectors. The value vectors point to DrillBufs which point to a slice of 
the underlying buffers. It is this layout (there are at least three different 
layouts) that makes our "record batch sizer" so complex: the size of memory 
used is NOT the sum of the DrillBufs.

Drill is a columnar system. So, the team introduced a typed "vector" 
abstraction.Value vectors provide an abstraction that sweeps away the 
ByteBuffer heritage and replaces it with a strongly typed, accessor/mutator 
structure that works in terms of Drill data types and record counts. Vectors 
also understand the relationship between bit vectors and data vectors, between 
offset vectors and data vectors, and so on.

Your question implies a desire to think about the future direction. Two things 
to say. First, vectors themselves do not provide sufficient abstraction for the 
needs of operators. As a result, operators become very complex, we must 
generate large amounts of boiler-plate code, and we fix the same bugs over and 
over. These issues are discussed at length in [2]. This is the motivation for 
the result set reader and loader.

The row set abstractions encapsulate not just knowledge of a vector, but of the 
entire batch. As a result, these abstractions know the number of records, know 
the vector and batch size targets, and track vectors as they fill. One key 
result is that these abstractions ensure that data is read or written within 
the bounds of each buffer, eliminating the need for bounds checks on every 

The other consideration is memory management. Drill has a very complex, but 
surprisingly robust, memory management system. However, it is based on a 
"malloc" model of memory with operators negotiating among themselves (via the 
OUT_OF_MEMORY iterator status) about who needs memory and who should release 
it. [2] discusses the limitations of this system. As a result, we've been 
moving to a budget-based system in which each fragment and operator is given a 
budget based on total available memory, and operators use spilling to stay 
within the budget.

Memory fragmentation is a classic problem in malloc-based systems which strive 
to operate at high memory utilization rates and which do not include memory 
compaction. Drill is such a system. So, if this issue ever prevents Drill from 
achieving maximum performance, we can consider the classic system used by 
databases to solve this problem: fixed-size memory blocks.

If we were to move to fixed-size buffers, we'd want the row set and vector 
abstractions to remain unchanged. We'd only want to replace DrillBuf with a new 
block-based abstraction, perhaps with chaining (a vector may consist of a chain 
of, say, 1 MB blocks.) The buffer slicing mechanism would become unnecessary, 
as would the existing malloc-based allocator. Instead, data would be read, 
written and held in buffers allocated from and returned to a buffer pool.

We may or may not ever make such a change. But, by considering this 
possibility, we readily see that DrillBuf should be an implementation detail of 
the higher-level abstractions and that operators should only use those 
higher-level abstractions because doing so isolates operators from the details 
of memory layout. This argument applies even more so to the abstractions below 
DrillBuf: UDLE, Netty ByteBuf, ledgers and so on.

Said another way, even with the current system, we should be free to improve 
DrillBuf on down with no impact to operator code because vectors and the row 
set abstractions should be the only clients of DrillBuf.

In short, by understanding the history of the code, and agreeing upon the right 
design abstractions, we can then make informed decisions about how best to 
improve our low-level abstractions, including DrillBuf.


- Paul

[1] http://drill.apache.org/docs/value-vectors/
[2] https://github.com/paul-rogers/drill/wiki/Batch-Handling-Upgrades


    On Wednesday, April 4, 2018, 10:34:18 AM PDT, Vlad Rozov 
<vro...@apache.org> wrote:  
 I have several questions and concerns regarding DrillBuf usage, design 
and implementation. There is a limited documentation available for the 
subject (Java doc, 
and https://github.com/paul-rogers/drill/wiki/Memory-Management) and I 
hope that a few members of the community may have more information.

What are the design goals behind DrillBuf? It seems like it is supposed 
to be Drill access gate for direct byte buffers. How is it different 
(for that goal) from UnsafeDirectLittleEndian? Both use 
wrapper/delegation pattern, with DrillBuf delegating to 
UnsafeDirectLittleEndian (not always) and UnsafeDirectLittleEndian 
delegating to ByteBuf it wraps. Is it necessary to have both? Are there 
any out of the box netty classes that already provide required 
functionality? I guess that answer to the last question was "no" back 
when DrillBuf and UnsafeDirectLittleEndian were introduced into Drill. 
Is it still "no" for the latest netty release? What extra functionality 
DrillBuf (and UnsafeDirectLittleEndian) provides on top of existing 
netty classes?

As far as I can see from the source code, DrillBuf changes validation 
(boundary and reference count checks) mechanism, making it optional 
(compared to always enabled boundary checks inside netty) for get/set 
Byte/Char/Short/Long/Float/Double. Is this a proper place to make 
validation optional or the validation (or portion of the validation) 
must be always on or off (there are different opinions, see 
https://github.com/apache/drill/pull/1060 and 
https://github.com/apache/drill/pull/1144)? Are there any performance 
benchmark that justify or explain such behavior (if such benchmark does 
not exist, are there any volunteer to do the benchmark)? My experience 
is that the reference count check is significantly more expensive 
compared to boundary checking and boundary checking adds tens of percent 
to direct memory read when reading just a few bytes, so my vote is to 
keep validation as optional with the ability to enable it for debug 
purposes at run-time. What is the reason the same approach do not apply 
to get/set Bytes and those methods are delegated to 
UnsafeDirectLittleEndian that delegates it further?

Why DrillBuf reverses how AbstractByteBuf calls _get from get (and _set 
from set), making _get to call get (_set to call set)? Why not to follow 
a base class design patter?

Another question is usage of netty "io.netty.buffer" package for Drill 
classes. Is this absolutely necessary? I don't think that netty 
developers expect this and support semantic version compatibility for 
package private classes/members.

Thank you,


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